Women’s Studies
Ladies Bible Study
Jan Compton is the leader. This group meets in Church Conference Room in the Keheley Center.
Contact church office for study details and sign-up. Communications@SAUMCMarietta.org
We meet every Thursday at 9:30am.
This United Methodist Women's group is Open to all women. We meet QUARTERLY on Sundays after the 11 o’clock service in the Keheley Fellowship Hall. Each meeting will host a speaker or activity and lunch. $10 per person
Esther Circle
Ruth Circle is now meeting in person in Keheley Fellowship Hall at 12 noon on the fourth Monday (usually) of the month. Below is our calendar for this year. Please join us for fellowship, inspirational messages and current event topics.
Please remember to save your plastic shopping bags for Transfiguration to each meeting. Also we are donating snacks for Blackwell Elementary School.
Please feel warmly invited to join Ruth Circle.
Ruth Circle
All women (including visitors) are welcome to join us for a monthly meeting to discuss our selected UMW Book in a lively and informative discussion. We pick our books from the national UMW-recommended books, in five categories: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for the Community, Social Action, and Spiritual Growth. We meet in the Keheley Center on the first Friday of each month, except in June and July.
Check the calendar for dates throughout the year.
UMW Book Club
Contact the Church office for information on other ongoing studies!