United Women of Faith
"The harmony of faith resounds even louder when Methodist women gather, for in their collective strength lies a melody of empowerment, purpose, and divine love."
Ruth Circle
WHEN: February 24th @ Noon
WHERE: Keheley Center Fellowship Hall
EVENTS: Happy New Year! We will be making plans for our monthly programs. We will also construct prayer blankets. Bring a friend!
CONTACT: Edna Felmlee
EMAIL: felmleee@gmail.com
Monday Bible Study
WHEN: Mondays @ 9:30 am
WHERE: Room 119 of the Keheley Center
EVENTS: New study on February 3, This bible study will begin a new 12-week study, The Epic of Eden: Understanding the Old Testament
CONTACT: Julie Wright
EMAIL: wrightsplace3@gmail.com
Thursday Bible Study
WHEN: Thursdays @ 4:00 pm
WHERE: Room 119 of the Keheley Center
EVENTS: All women of the church are invited to good fellowship and spiritual renewal.
CONTACT: Paula Heiney
EMAIL: pch4@comcast.net
Esther Circle
WHEN: Quarterly, March 9th @ Noon - 2pm
WHERE: Keheley Center Fellowship Hall
EVENTS: All women of the church are invited to enjoy lunch, good fellowship, a program, and spiritual renewal. Watch for the new meeting dates coming out soon.
UMW Book Club
WHEN: 1st Friday of Each Month @ Noon
WHERE: Edna Felmlee’s Home
EVENTS: All women (including visitors) are welcome to join us for a monthly meeting to discuss our selected UMW Book in a lively and informative discussion. We pick our books from the national UMW-recommended books, in five categories: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for the Community, Social Action, and Spiritual Growth. Bring a friend!
CONTACT: Edna Felmlee
EMAIL: felmleee@gmail.com
Mary Martha Circle
WHEN: 2nd Tuesday of each month @ 9:30 - 11:30 am
WHERE: Keheley Center Fellowship Hall
EVENTS: A morning of spiritual renewal and fellowship. This circle meets on the second Tuesday of the month in the Keheley Fellowship Hall. There is a children's play area, so no need to search for childcare.
CONTACT: Katie Ahlin and Grace Sewell
EMAIL: kml5268@gmail.com