Co-ed Small Groups and Bible Studies
Co-ed Small Groups
Sunday Morning Classes
10:00-10:50 A.M.
Free Radicals is a diverse group of individuals who are “free” in the knowledge that we belong to Christ and are “radical” in our desire to share this with others. Studies are chosen that allow for discussion and help members to apply scripture in their daily walk with Christ. All are welcome who desire finding answers in the questions raised through lively discussion and Bible study. The class is led by Carol Haisten. The class assistant is Carol Haisten.
We meet in room 139-141 in the Keheley Center.
Free Radicals
This is a class of men and women of various ages and phases in life. We discuss current events from the Christian point of view to try to apply these lessons to contemporary life. This is done in a casual open discussion format.
We meet in room 121-124 in the Keheley Center.
Connections Class
This is not a lecture class, discussion and participation is encouraged by all class members. The class is led by Janice Compton. The class President is Darrell Brown. All ages are invited.
We meet in room 134 in the Keheley Center.
Aldersgate Class
This class welcomes all age groups. This class studies books of the Bible as well as Bible Topics. This is a discussion based class which allows sharing of opinions and asking of questions. The group supports various functions during the year at church and around the community. The class supports each other during times of trouble. Don Miller leads the class.
We meet in room 132-133 in the Keheley Center.
Searchers Class
Faithful Followers
WHEN: Second Fridays @ 11:30
WHERE: Keheley Center Fellowship Hall
EVENTS: our guest speaker will be rev. ann mann, discussing her new book. Bring your favorite casserole and the recipe to share with others. We will enjoy good food and fellowship; bring a friend!
CONTACT: Mary Phillips
EMAIL: meptlp@hotmail.com
United Methodist Men Bible Study
WHEN: Every Friday Morning @ 7am
WHERE: Keheley Center Fellowship Hall
EVENTS: Join the men of the church for fellowship.
CONTACT: Bruce Fuerstenberg
EMAIL: bfbfuerst@gmail.com
WHEN: 2nd Saturday Morning @ 9am
WHERE: Keheley Center Fellowship Hall
EVENTS: Join your brothers in Christ for breakfast and fellowship.
CONTACT: Bruce Fuerstenberg
EMAIL: bfbfuerst@gmail.com
United Methodist Men Breakfast
Pathfinders Class
This class is a Bible Study group. The Bible is the textbook. The teaching style is lecture. Jim McGrath is teaching and Gail Johnston is the Pathfinder’s class president.
We meet in room 129 in the Keheley Center.
Contact the Church office for information on other ongoing studies!