The Practice of Prayer
Whether it’s between parents and children, employers and employees, spouses, siblings, neighbors, or friends, relationships depend upon communication. There must be an open channel where we can speak our needs, voice our concerns, and share the details of our lives with one another. This is true of every human relationship, and it’s especially true of our relationship with God.
The practice of prayer is the main avenue for connecting with God. It is how we create space for conversation with the Creator so that we can express to God the deepest joys, wounds, and yearnings of our heart and hear from God words of celebration, comfort, and correction. As a means of grace, it’s also true that prayer is often where we experience the greatest transformation; the place where God works to change hearts and minds to better resemble God’s own nature.
Below is a guide for incorporating the practice of prayer more deeply into your journey as a disciple. As you follow these invitations, keep in mind that prayer is not about finding the right words, but about being in right relationship with God. More than what we say or how we say it, what matters is that we are orienting ourselves toward God and continuing the conversation. Peace be with you.
Week One
Think about the people who matter most to you—chances are you find a regular time to connect and catch-up. This week, commit to a consistent time each day where you can spend ten minutes with God in prayer. Speak to God about what’s going on in your life as you would speak to a friend, mentor, or spouse.
week two
One of the most powerful things you can do for a loved one is to pray consistently for them. As you begin your week, ask God to reveal someone for whom you can pray for each day. It may be someone facing a great challenge, someone who has wandered from God, or someone for whom you are thankful. Don’t try to steer God one way or another but let whoever comes to mind first be the focus of your prayer. Ask God to bless this individual and to show you how you can be Christ to him or her.
week Three
Jesus said to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. We may not have enemies or persecutors, but each of us has people in our lives we find it difficult to love. It may be a family member, or it may be the person who cuts you off in traffic. Practice “flash prayers” whenever you find your heart turned against someone. “Lord, bless him/her, and teach me how to love him/her as you do,” is a helpful way to start.
Week Four
This final week we will practice looking for God’s response to prayer. Begin each day with a request for something you know you will need from God. Perhaps you have a meeting that is making you anxious and you need God’s peace. Maybe you feel tired, and you need God’s strength. Ask God to be with you in a specific way. At the end of the day, review your day and see how God responded to your prayer.